February 2025


Date Event
2025-02-03 (Mon) Kindness Heart Challenge begins [Peterboro Street Elementary School]
Community Service Project (can collection) begins [Peterboro Street Elementary School]
12:10 Dismissal for PSES/SSES [Peterboro Street Elementary School]
2025-02-04 (Tue) MP 2 report cards go home [Peterboro Street Elementary School]
2025-02-14 (Fri) Spirit Day: Heart on Your Sleeve Day [Peterboro Street Elementary School]
2025-02-24 (Mon) Blue K registration folders due [Peterboro Street Elementary School]
Valentine's Day parties rescheduled to here [Peterboro Street Elementary School]
Wear pink and/or green for PrimRose [Peterboro Street Elementary School]
2025-02-28 (Fri) Spirit Day: 100 Days Brighter for the 100th Day of School (tentative based on snow days) [Peterboro Street Elementary School]
Spirit Day: Silly Sock Day (in honor of Dr. Suess' birthday 3/2) [Peterboro Street Elementary School]
Kindness Heart Challenge ends [Peterboro Street Elementary School]
Community Service Project (can collection) ends [Peterboro Street Elementary School]
Tentative 100th Day [Peterboro Street Elementary School]
Double Spirit Day!!! [Peterboro Street Elementary School]