Dignity for All Students Act (DASA)

The Dignity for All Students Act is an official policy of New York State that requires all students in public schools to have the right to an education free of discrimination and harassment. The information included on this page and the links provided are the resources to help students, parents, and guardians understand what this law means and how it is to be put into practice by the district.

Reporting Procedures

When a student reports that he or she has been bullied or harassed to any adult the following procedures will be followed:

  1. Complaint received from the student.
  2. Adult/student refers complaint to Dignity Act Coordinator (DAC) within 1 day. The adult must submit a written account of the complaint to the Dignity Act Coordinator within 2 days of receiving the complaint.
  3. Dignity Act Coordinator logs complaint: date and time received, name of referral source, date and time. District Compliance Officer is notified by the DAC.
  4. DAC conducts a prompt investigation. Log is kept: names of complainant, witnesses, dates and times of interview(s).
  5. DAC submits written summary of finding to District Compliance Officer (DCO) and any actions taken to remedy the complaint.
  6. DCO reviews investigation; concurs or modifies actions taken. Logs report with date, time and solution/remediation.

          Download the Dignity Act Harrassment Complaint Form

Building Resources for Students

Name Grade Levels Position Phone Email
Jen Carnahan * K-2 Principal 315-697-2027 jcarnahan@canastotacsd.org
Ellen Byrnes * 3-4 Principal 315-697-6372 ebyrnes@canastotacsd.org
Peter Schultz* 9-12 Principal 315-697-2003 pschultz@canastotacsd.org
Mark Krause 9-12 Asst. Principal 315-697-2003 mkrause@canastotacsd.org
Stanley Congden 5-8 Asst. Principal 315-697-2003 scongden@canastotacsd.org
Kristin Fox * 5-8 Principal 315-697-2003 kfox@canastotacsd.org
Amanda Schlegel K-12 Psychologist 315-697-2029 aschlegel@canastotacsd.org
Robert Mengucci HS Counselor 315-697-6326 bmengucci@canastotacsd.org
Dylan Gifford HS Counselor 315-697-6326 dgifford@canastotacsd.org
Kaylee Murray RSMS 7-8 Counselor 315-697-6326 kaylee.murray@canastotacsd.org

Rachel DiGeorge

RSMS 5-6 Counselor 315-697-2029 rdigeorge@canastotacsd.org
Mackenzie Citro K-4 Counselor 315-697-6372 mcitro@canastotacsd.org
Deanna Taurisano 5-12 Social Worker 315-697-2029 dtaurisano@canastotacsd.org
Dana Podkowka K-4 Social Worker 315-697-2029 dpodkowka@canastotascd.org

* Dignity Act Coordinators (DAC)                               


Name Position Phone Email

Shawn Bissetta

Superintendent of Schools 315-697-6302 sbissetta@canastotacsd.org
Karen Henner** Director of Instructional Support Services 315-697-6300 khenner@canastotacsd.org

   ** District Compliance Officer (DCO)