Tax Information

Canastota Central School District Collection Dates:

September 3, 2024 through October 2, 2024 without penalty
October 3, 2024 through November 1, 2024 with a 2% penalty

Town of Lenox Assessor Information Per Municipality

Lenox- Tom Cardinal 315-908-7525 (cell), 315-697-9910 (office)
Fenner- Brian Fitts 315-684-9052
Lincoln- Mat Spendley 315-367-1401
Smithfield- Brian Fitts 315-684-9052 or 607-749-3473
Sullivan- Tanya Pifer (315) 687-7222


By Mail Walk In Online

Canastota CSD
PO Box 1900
Buffalo, NY 14240-1900

Note: Please do not include a pre-paid self-addressed envelope!!

Community Bank– Canastota Branch ONLY
104 S. Peterboro St
Canastota, NY 13032
Mon -Wed 9:00am - 3:00pm
Thur - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm

Look Up Tax Information and make online payments

The STAR exemption program is closed to all new applicants. If you’re a new homeowner or you weren’t receiving the STAR exemption on your current home in 2015, you can Register for the STAR credit to receive a check directly from New York State. Visit the NYS Star Application site.

For School Tax Information or questions
please call 315-697-4001

Helpful Links: 

Understanding Your Tax Bill