Welcome, Miss Shive!

Welcome, Miss Shive!

Canastota Central School District is delighted to introduce Juli Shive, a Chemistry student teacher who will be working in Mrs. Tucci's classroom until April.

Miss Shive is an Oneida CSD graduate and presently resides in Utica. She earned her Bachelor's degree in Biology with minors in Chemistry and Theatre from Stony Brook University and is currently pursuing a Master's degree in Science Education from Syracuse University.

Her passion for teaching was sparked when she served as a teaching assistant during her college years. She enjoyed assisting students in their studies and recognized her calling to be a teacher. Ultimately, she aspires to become a high school Chemistry teacher. Upon graduation, Miss Shive will be qualified to teach any science class in middle school, as well as high school Chemistry.

Miss Shive places a high value on fostering a supportive school community and molding the next generation. She believes that schools should provide a safe haven for students and offer support outside of academics. She also emphasizes the importance of developing well-rounded students.

Her ideal teacher image was shaped by the remarkable and patient teachers she had in high school. She learned the significance of having patience with students and getting to know them on a personal level. She also recognizes that students have lives outside of school, and making accommodations for them when necessary is essential.

Miss Shive is thrilled to join the Canastota school community, which reminds her of her hometown and enables her to connect with students on a personal level. She is excited to collaborate with our science teachers on the new science standards and looks forward to learning more about the transition and developing new lessons for students together.

When she isn't working or studying, she enjoys playing Hogwarts Legacy on her Nintendo Switch, taking nature walks, playing with her cat Clover, and traveling. After graduation, Miss Shive plans to return to Dublin to celebrate!