Welcome to our Survey Page

The Canastota Central School District has been given a clear mandate by the
State of New York to change its name as well as its associated logos and
images. A committee has been formed and tasked with collecting community
feedback about potential new names for the district. The District is looking
for your thoughts about what options you might like to see for our school.
We ask that you take this brief survey to share what potential names you
would like to see considered. This survey is open to the Canastota
community and alumni who wish to share their name suggestions. Upon
completion of the survey, the committee will meet and discuss the results to
determine the top selections shared by the community. From that point, an
additional survey will be conducted to select a finalist from those top

This initial survey will remain open for feedback until November 30, 2023.

Thank you for your time and support with this endeavor.

Canastota Mascot/Logo Survey Link

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